6 Benefits of Kids Playing Outside

6 Benefits of Kids Playing Outside

Published on: May 3, 2024

Today's kids spend more than 5 hours a day on digital devices. As a parent, encouraging your kids to step out and play has become more crucial than ever. It improves their physical, mental, and emotional health. In this article, let's discuss the benefits of kids playing outside.

Table of Contents:

Why Should Kids Play Outdoors?

1. Improves Physical Health 

Outside play does wonders for kids' physical health and development. The fresh air helps strengthen their bodies in so many ways. 

Here are the physical benefits kids get by playing outside:

  • Sunshine and open space can boost kids' energy levels and improve their mood. 
  • Running, jumping, and climbing can strengthen your kids' muscles and bones. 
  • Navigating uneven surfaces like grass, dirt, and mulch to prevent injuries can improve your kids' coordination and motor skills. 

2. Reduces Stress

In today's digital world, kids spend a lot of time indoors staring at screens, which can affect their mental and emotional health. 

Seeing nature can calm a human's mind, regardless of whether you're an adult or a kid. It provides a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 

When your kids play outside, the sunlight and fresh air naturally boost their feel-good hormone, serotonin. As a result, their stress decreases and concentration increases. 

3. Boosts Vitamin D 

Vitamin D helps in bone development and improves the immune system of kids. Sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D, and playing outside helps your children get this crucial vitamin. Just make sure to put on some sunscreen to protect their fragile skin from harmful UV rays.

4. Enhances Creativity 

Outdoor play enhances your kids' creativity and problem-solving skills. Also, the unstructured nature of outdoor play encourages your kids to think independently.

5. Better Sleep

Physical activity and exposure to natural light can improve your child's sleep. A tired, happy child will have a better quality of sleep than one who spends time on digital devices for most of the day. 

6. Social Development

Playing outside helps your kids develop communication, cooperation, and conflict-resolution skills. The unstructured nature of outdoor play encourages spontaneous social interactions, fostering the development of empathy and teamwork. These experiences contribute to a well-rounded social development. 

Fun Outdoor Activities for Kids

  • Set up an obstacle course in the backyard using household items like hula hoops, pool noodles, and jump ropes. Time as your kids run through it.
  • Build a fort or playhouse from cardboard boxes, sheets, and blankets. Kids love having their own little "house" to play in.
  • Get sidewalk chalk and let them go crazy decorating the driveway, sidewalk, etc. 
  • Have a squirt gun battle on a hot summer day. Set up buckets, house plants, or other items as targets.
  • Play classic outdoor games like freeze tag, relay races, or capture the flag. These timeless games still thrill today's kids.
  • Go on a nature scavenger hunt together. See who can find the most interesting leaf, flower, insect, etc. 
  • If you have a tree, build a tire swing or rope swing. This simple activity provides hours of enjoyment. Add a ladder or wooden platform as well.


How many hours should kids play outdoors? 

Angela J. Hanscom, a pediatrist, recommends a minimum of 3 hours of outdoor play daily for children. 

Remember, playing six hours every two days doesn't make up for playing every day. Also, playing for 6 hours straight up can harm your child.

How can I reduce my kids' screen time?

  • Limit your own screen time first
  • Set clear screen time limits
  • Use parental control on devices
  • Offer alternatives such as puzzles, carrom boards, etc. 
  • Help your child find interests that don't involve screens
  • Have a fun time with your kids 

Does playing outside improve a child's resilience? 

Yes. Facing challenges and overcoming obstacles during outdoor play can improve your child's resilience. 

How HubDub Can Help Your Kid to Spend Time Outside

We at HubDub know that excessive screen time is a significant issue among kids nowadays. We want to reduce it in an innovative way. Here's how. 

You set a goal for your child to achieve in our HubDub App. The goal can be related to sports, reading, STEM, social pursuit, art, or general household chores. We award points for every minute your kids spend doing these activities. When they hit the target score, they get a reward that you have set.

This reward system encourages kids to play outside and spend time on activities that improve their physical, mental, and social skills.

We are now on Google Play and App Store.

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